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Jose Luis Vaello Bertol
Concept Artist / Art Director / Game Developer
CASTLEVANIA Lords of Shadow
SEVERANCE Blade of Darkness
ARISE: a Simple Story
SKY: Children of the Light
"NewWorld" - "NAKED" Project // MercurySteam
"BabyStorm" - "NAKED" Project // Mercurysteam
"Hidden" - "NAKED" Project // Mercurysteam
"Witch army" - "NAKED" Project // MercurySteam
"The Witch" - "NAKED" Project // MercurySteam
"The final judgement" - "NAKED" Project // MercurySteam
"ARISE: A Simple Story" Piccolo Studio, Concept art...
"ARISE: A Simple Stroy" Piccolo Studio. Concept art...
"SKY: Children of the Light" Thatgamecompany. Gods, concept art, ideas...
"SKY: Children of the Light" Thatgamecompany. Cinematic, concept art
"SKY: Children of the Light" Thatgamecompany. Some ideas, concept arts, etc...
"SKY: Children of the Light". Thatgamecompany. Concepts arts, ideas,...
"SKY: Children of Light" Thatgamecompany. Ideas, concepts arts
ARISE: a Simple Story - "Old" level, concept art
ARISE: a Simple Story - "Joy" Level. Walking in the clouds, concept art
ARISE: a Simple Story, "Joy" - concept art
ARISE: a Simple Story - "Joy" and "Romance" concepts art
HULK, Fan Art
RIME - Through the bridge
RIME - Alone in a mystery island
RIME - Ruins
RIME - The Cave
RIME - The awakening
RIME - Exit
RIME - The Sentinel and the stars
CASTLEVANIA Lords of Shadow - Nightfall
CASTLEVANIA Lords of Shadow - Gabriel
CASTLEVANIA Lords of Shadow - Golem
CASTLEVANIA Lords of Shadow - Troll
CASTLEVANIA Lords of Shadow - The forest
CASTLEVANIA Lords of Shadow - The rings
CASTLEVANIA Lords of Shadow - Temple
CASTLEVANIA Lords of Shadow - Book
CASTLEVANIA Lords of Shadow - Vamp
SEVERANCE Blade of Darkness - Barbarian
Monkey king
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